プロジェクト情報(概要) / Project information (abstract)
基本情報 / Basic Informations
- 研究題目
Research Title A comparative study on the chang of human mobility by COIVD-19 between Japan and Korea
- 状態
Status -
Completed projects
- 研究番号
Research Number - 1050
- 研究代表者
PI - 蕙丞 宋 / ソウル研究院
- 事務担当者
Secretary - Eom Sunyong / Hanyang University
- 受入CSIS教員
CSIS reception staff 相 尚寿
Hisatoshi AI
- 研究内容
Abstract COVID-19 pandemic caused unprecedented concerns for governments and societies globally. There is no successful treatment because of the disease’s long incubation period, high infectivity. The most effective tool to control COVID-19 is limited to social distancing. The studies on human mobility can identify the pandemic's spatial transmission and contribute to policies for the post-COIVD era. This study aims to investigate the change of human mobility and the influence factors for mobility change. First, we investigate the change of human mobility by considering transportation mode (transit, walk, bike, etc.), travel distance (short, long-distance), and frequency using various big data in Japan and Korea. Second, various sociodemographic variables to capture the characteristics of origin and destination such as land-use, density, facility, and industry.
- 研究期間
Research Period - 2020-12-19 - 2021-03-31
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研究者 / Researchers
申請中の研究者は表示されません。 / Pending researchers are not shown.
Eom Sunyong / Hanyang University
蕙丞 宋 / ソウル研究院
研究成果 / Achievement
年次報告一覧 / Annual reports 必須