プロジェクト情報(概要) / Project information (abstract)
基本情報 / Basic Informations
- 研究題目
Research Title EDISON: Emerging Dynamic Intelligence on Smart Cities Services based on IoT technologies
- 状態
Status -
Completed projects
- 研究番号
Research Number - 628
- 研究代表者
PI - Aurora González Vidal / University of Murcia
- 事務担当者
Secretary - Aurora González Vidal / University of Murcia
- 受入CSIS教員
CSIS reception staff Shin'ichi KONOMI
Shin'ichi KONOMI
- 研究内容
Abstract EDISON: Emerging Dynamic Intelligence on Smart Cities Services based on IoT technologies looks for advanced research based on the deep analysis of the data provided by extensive usage of the IoT, in order to facilitate the emergence of the intelligence of the collected information from networked things. The objective is to be able to understand hidden patterns and human/group behaviors to provide urban dynamics knowledge for smart cities applications. In order to discover this knowledge we propose the use of Softcomputing and Data Mining techniques, and their integration within an architecture for IoT based data management including security and privacy aspects. Finally, the developments will be tested through prototypes on two use cases: one on mobility aspects for Smart Cities and other on energy efficiency on Smart Buildings.
The global challenges of EDISON can be reached through the several subobjectives: sensors integration and abstraction capability; secure sensors deployment; Individual intelligence and local reasoning; emergent knowledge extraction; learning and adaptation mechanism definition; human dynamic centric services; user privacy and security control mechanism; and the design and build of an experimental platform.
This project will integrate the research results from several lines and previous projects of the Intelligent Systems and Telematics group at national and EU level, in a challenging holistic approach providing a multidisciplinary solution to the human centric services in Smart Cities, considering sensoring and IoT aspects, sensor networks and IPv6 communications, middleware design, intelligent techniques applications and smart services like mobility, ITS and energy efficiency.
- 研究期間
Research Period - 2015-09-27 - 2016-03-31
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研究者 / Researchers
申請中の研究者は表示されません。 / Pending researchers are not shown.
Aurora González Vidal / University of Murcia
利用データセット / Datasets used
申請中のデータセットは表示されません。 / Pending datasets are not shown.
【承認までお時間を要する可能性】【空間配分版】1996年マニラ 人の流れデータセット
People Flow 1996 Manila Metropolitan Area (Spatially Reallocated)
【承認までお時間を要する可能性】【空間配分版】2008年東京都市圏 人の流れデータセット
People Flow 2008 Tokyo Metropolitan Area (Spatially Reallocated)
【承認までお時間を要する可能性】【空間配分版】2002年ジャカルタ 人の流れデータセット
People Flow 2002 Jakarta Metropolitan Area (Spatially Reallocated)
研究成果 / Achievement
年次報告一覧 / Annual reports 必須