プロジェクト情報(概要) / Project information (abstract)
基本情報 / Basic Informations
- 研究題目
Research Title Incorporating population mobility in delineating the zones for geodemographic segmentation in Asian Metropolitans
- 状態
Status -
Completed projects
- 研究番号
Research Number - 692
- 研究代表者
PI - 溫在弘 / 國立台灣大學 地理系
- 事務担当者
Secretary - 藤原 直哉 / 東北大学大学院情報科学研究科
- 受入CSIS教員
CSIS reception staff Toshikazu SETO
Toshikazu SETO
- 研究内容
Abstract Geodemographics analyzes the socio-economic and behaviors of people based on where they live. Understanding the process of people's lives would help uncovering how the places are formed. Moving is one of the important human activities that connect different places. While trying to understand the relationships between human activities and the spaces, the travel accessibility and travel use, like where they reside, and how they move, is an important issue. Travel-based geodemographic classifications can show how transport provision and usage varies across the country. The University of Tokyo (UTokyo) have constructed detailed
human mobility data in major metropolitan areas of Japan, and National Taiwan
University (NTU) also collected high spatial-temporal resolution traffic volumes of different transport modes in Taipei City from Open Data Platform. With wide-spread use of mobility data, geodemographic classifications can be built to explore more accurate geospatial patterns. Therefore, the objective of the study is to incorporate human movement into the framework for geodemographic segmentation. It will be a good opportunity to compare the spatial structures of human mobility network in East Asian metropolitans and use the network clustering algorithms to measure the
different neighborhood characteristics of geodemographic segmentation induced by
human mobility between different Asian Metropolitans in Japan and Taiwan.
- 研究期間
Research Period - 2016-07-17 - 2019-03-31
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研究者 / Researchers
申請中の研究者は表示されません。 / Pending researchers are not shown.
藤原 直哉 / 東北大学大学院情報科学研究科
溫在弘 / 國立台灣大學 地理系
研究成果 / Achievement
年次報告一覧 / Annual reports 必須