プロジェクト情報(概要) / Project information (abstract)
基本情報 / Basic Informations
- 研究題目
Research Title Traffic Accident Risk Analysis from Heterogeneous Data
- 状態
Status -
Completed projects
- 研究番号
Research Number - 725
- 研究代表者
PI - 柴崎亮介 / 東京大学空間情報科学研究センター
- 事務担当者
Secretary - 陳 全俊 / 東京大学 工学系研究科
- 受入CSIS教員
CSIS reception staff 柴崎 亮介
- 研究内容
Abstract With the rapid development of urbanization and public transportation system, the number of traffic accidents have significantly increased globally over the past decades and become a big problem for human society.To improve traffic safety, government has made transportation policies to rule driver behavior. Another strategy is to add additional infrastructure or to improve the existing road condition. Understanding what causes traffic accidents and implement accident information into risk analysis will help us estimating accident risk efficiently. Recently, a significant change in intelligent transportation systems is that much more data can be collected from a variety of sensors. The availability of heterogeneous data provide us a more valid way to analyze accident from different view. Therefore, we aim to collect accident related data and analyze accident risk more precisely by mining these data with machine learning methods.
- 研究期間
Research Period - 2016-12-15 - 2017-03-31
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研究者 / Researchers
申請中の研究者は表示されません。 / Pending researchers are not shown.
柴崎亮介 / 東京大学空間情報科学研究センター
陳 全俊 / 東京大学 工学系研究科
研究成果 / Achievement
年次報告一覧 / Annual reports 必須