プロジェクト情報(概要) / Project information (abstract)
基本情報 / Basic Informations
- 研究題目
Research Title Bikeability analysis in TOD system
- 状態
Status -
Completed projects
- 研究番号
Research Number - 904
- 研究代表者
PI - 張 浩然 / 東京大学 空間情報科学研究センター
- 事務担当者
Secretary - 張 浩然 / 東京大学 空間情報科学研究センター
- 受入CSIS教員
CSIS reception staff 柴崎 亮介
- 研究内容
Abstract This research analyzes the potential impact of sharing bike to TOD system via the spatial regression model in combination of other statistical data. To show the importance of implementing bike sharing system in TOD, We also illustrate the difference between the results of these indicators in a walkable distance and the bikeable distance. Finally, we compare the results in different stations and different regions in Tokyo to analyze the spatial divergence. The objective of this work can be listed as follows: 1. The influence of sharing bike system on public transit is analyzed from the perspective of both substitute and complement. 2. For each station, a bikeability score is calculated to analyze the utility of bike sharing system in the neighborhoods of TOD region. 3. With the limited observational data and survey data, a correlation analysis is conducted on the indicators of bikeability.
- 研究期間
Research Period - 2019-06-22 - 2020-03-31
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研究者 / Researchers
申請中の研究者は表示されません。 / Pending researchers are not shown.
張 浩然 / 東京大学 空間情報科学研究センター
夏 天琦 / 東京大学 空間情報科学研究センター
研究成果 / Achievement
年次報告一覧 / Annual reports 必須